George Soros : "It is not only China, India is doing very well and in fact, the great hope is that the developing world develops faster and that is the positive side of the current situation that the Chinese public is willing to accept limitations on individual freedom for the benefit of prosperity. But I do not see the rest of the world accepting limitations on each individual freedom for the benefit of Chinese prosperity. The Indian situation is more stable because it is based on domestic growth whereas China has yet to get domestic growth going. So right now, India is in a very strong position. There is some threat of inflation which remains on the horizon.
If I had to sum it up in one word, I would say blah. In other words, it may slip into the double dip or it may not, but it is going to slow down. There is no question in my mind because the stimulus is running out and there is now great resistance for any further stimulus because the preoccupation is with fiscal rectitude and it is a little bit too early for that because the economy has not yet really got dynamic scoring and it would not for a long time because there are grave imbalances that have built up over 25 years of super bubble and it will take time to work it off. "